About Rick Montgomery Missions


My first trip to nairobi was in the year 2000.

I was headed to a pastor’s conference. This Texas boy had only been out of the state a handful of times. I was forty-six years old and wound up tighter than a 7-day clock. My body would not relax and neither would my brain.

One night a poor Kenyan pastor told me something I will never forget. “You will come here again and again and again.”

The thought running through my mind was, “Sir, I don’t even want to be here now!”

Yet, to date I have been to Kenya almost 20 times. I’ve also traveled to Rwanda, Bosnia, Pakistan, India, Uganda, and South Africa. God is so kind and good!!!

My heart burns with the desire to reach out to the poor, the broken, and the helpless and help them encounter the Person, the Presence, the Power, and the Love of Jesus Christ.

God has healed my brokenness to a great degree, and the calling upon my life is to go and preach the gospel, bringing healing to the broken-hearted.